Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Difficulties I have overcome

Today, was a productive lesson. I first started going through my blog and checking through the mark scheme to see where I could improve my research and over all improve my blog. However, I then went to go on the laptop where I have my work and saw the laptop kept turning off. It turns out that the hard drive had died with all my work on it. This was a stressful moment, before I realised that luckily I had only just uploaded my work on YouTube the day before for "just in case"! I spent the next 20 minutes looking for my rough copy on YouTube, as it wouldn't show up due to it being on private and not completing the upload process. I used the internet to try and find out why this was happening and found out that I needed to go to computer manager on my home channel page, which I couldn't find. After a while of searching I clicked on 'creator studio' and found it!

Obviously, I wont be able to use the laptop, so I will work on the desktop Apple Mac and once I have filmed the dance on Saturday I will then be able to continue to edit on this.

Rough cut of my short film

Here is a rough cut of my short film at the moment. All of these shots are from the first day of filming. I haven't yet added in any of the voice over or sound as I want to get all the editing done before. I have also left blank screens for the parts where I haven't yet filmed. This is 3:53 in length so far without all the tittles and the dance scene. I am therefore confident that I will manage to make a 5 minute short film. Overall, i am pleased of how it looked so far and excited to film the next part and start editing.

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